Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Tuesday condemned the alleged killing of a Dalit man in Mainpuri and said that the rising incidents of murders in Uttar Pradesh was revealing the truth about the claims made by the BJP-led government about the law and order situation.
"The murder of Sarvesh Kumar from Dalit community after repeatedly being beaten up in Uttar Pradesh's Mainpuri yesterday and the similar incidents with Govind Chauhan in Maharajganj, Rajvir Maurya in Shahjahanpur, Wasid in Bareilly, Sudhir Singh in Kushinagar and Vinod Garg in Banda (Brahmin) who was shot dead, are extremely sad."
"Apart from this, the murder of a cab driver in Uttar Pradesh's Noida only yesterday, reveals the truth about government claims as far as the law and order is concerned," she said in another tweet.