Varanasi: In a rarest of rare biological conditions, a 14-day-old baby has been found to be carrying three fetuses in her abdomen at Sir Sunderlal Hospital of Kashi Hindu University in Uttar Pradesh's Kashi, officials said on Tuesday. Doctors said that the fetuses that transmitted to her through her mother inside the womb to her abdomen.
As per a BHU spokesperson, the surgery to remove the fetuses was done at the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Sir Sunderlal Hospital and was led by Dr. Ruchira with the team comprising Dr. Seth, Dr. Chetan and Dr. Greeshma. Anesthesia team was headed by Dr. Amrita, accompanied by Dr. Abha and Dr. Ritik. The child is admitted in the pediatric surgery ward and stable Pediatric Surgery.
As per the doctors, the rare condition of fetus in a child's stomach is a symptom of a disease called Fetus Fitu, which is found in one child out of 5 lakh children. Other embryos growing in the child's mother's abdomen are transferred to the child's abdomen due to not being able to develop completely as per medical experts.
In the latest case also, the three embryos that came out of the child's abdomen are those of other children growing in the mother's womb, which were transferred without being fully developed. As per the infant's family, the 14-day-old child had a swelling in the abdomen and difficulty in breathing. She was admitted to BHU Hospital where the doctors recommended an ultrasound examination.