New Delhi/Ghaziabad:In a freak mishap, a man died when a firecracker hit his leg in Ghaziabad of Uttar Pradesh. The CCTV footage related to the incident went viral on social media. The incident took place in the Link Road area of Ghaziabad on Sunday night when people across the country have been celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights, by bursting the crackers.
It can be seen on the CCTV that there is an explosion and suddenly the young man falls. After that, when the young man is taken to a hospital, the doctors declare him dead. It is learnt that a firecracker was lit after putting it in a pipe by Pradeep, due to which the firecracker hit the leg of the man, who was standing in front of it. After that, a lot of blood oozed out from the leg as a cracker pierced the vein. There was chaos in the area after the freak accident. Immediately, the man was taken to a hospital where he died before providing treatment. The video of the incident went viral. The police are investigating the case.