Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): A delivery boy working for the food aggregator app, Zomato, was assaulted by a group of five to six people in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh on Sunday night. When the victim protested, the hooligans torched his motorcycle. After the incident, the outlaws fled the spot. A fire tender was pressed into service to douse the flames. Following the registration of the complaint at Banna Devi police station by the victim, the police launched an investigation into the incident.
Vishal, a co-worker and friend of the victim Jindal, said that he and his friend were out to deliver food on Sunday night. "My friend Jindal was moving ahead of me, riding a motorcycle to deliver the food. When I was moving in the area, I saw a group of five to six persons assaulting my friend. When my friend Jindal protested, they torched his motorcycle and fled the spot. When I went to the place. I was also chased by the hooligans. What was the immediate provocation was not known. The attackers were not known to my friend Jindal. The miscreants were drunk," said Vishal while speaking to ETV Bharat.