Mathura:The streets of Mathura witnessed a high drama when a man set his car ablaze and fired gunshots in the air, creating panic in the area and bringing traffic to a standstill on Wednesday evening. Even policemen were seen taking shelter behind parked cars.
“The man has been identified as Shubham Chaudhary from Mathura who reached the spot on Wednesday evening. He was accompanied by a woman who, too, had an illegal weapon with her. He set his own car on fire and when attempts were made to control him, he fired in the air and kept on addressing people on a public address system,” Senior Superintendent of Police Shalabh Mathur said.
While using the public address system, the man was ranting about corruption. He was accompanied by a woman and children who sat on the road when the incident was taking place. The woman was also seen brandishing firearms.
It took a considerable time before the man and the woman could be overpowered and arrested. Their weapons were seized.