Prayagraj (UP):A day after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that his government would make a strict law to curb 'love jihad', the Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad on Sunday demanded capital punishment for the offenders in 'love jihad' cases.
Mahant Narendra Giri, head of the apex body of Hindu saints and seers, told reporters that culprits in 'love jihad' cases should be hanged in public places so that it acts as a deterrent.
Referring to Allahabad High Court's remark that "conversion just for the purpose of marriage was unacceptable", Adityanath had on Saturday said that the state was working to bring a strict law against 'love jihad' and warned that those involved in 'forced conversions' would be sent on 'Ram Naam Satya' journey.
The High court had said that conversion for the purpose of marriage was not valid and should be treated as a cognizable offence.
Mahant Giri said: "Time has come to deal with this issue in the strictest possible manner. Jihadis should be given such punishment that people remember it for generations to come. Some Muslim youths wear a 'tilak', tie the holy thread and a 'rudraksha' and get into relationships with Hindu girls. They marry the girls and then force them to convert to Islam. Many girls are killed if they refuse to comply."