The incident caused an uproar resulting in Chief Minister Aditya Yoginath ordering the suspension of the inspector in charge, chowki in charge, and beat constable. Bareilly:A girl was thrown in front of a moving train in Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly by a group of eve-teasers who wanted to get rid of her after she protested against their act.
The seriously injured girl, who is a student, narrowly escaped death but both her legs and one hand had to be amputated. Cops, who rushed to the spot soon after receiving the information about the dastardly act, said her condition remains critical. One of the accused youths and his father have been arrested so far.
In the gruesome incident, which took place on Tuesday night at the CB Ganj area after the girl was returning from the coaching centre, she suffered multiple fractures. The incident caused an uproar resulting in Chief Minister Aditya Yoginath ordering the suspension of the inspector in charge, chowki in charge, and beat constable.
The state government has announced a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the girl. According to the girl’s uncle, the victim is a student of Intermediate and went to coaching classes in the evening. The arrested youth and his friends used to harass her often. The girl’s family had even complained about this to the youth’s family but this did not have any effect on the boys.
On Tuesday evening, when she was returning home, the boys again misbehaved with her and when she resisted, they threw her in front of a moving train. The girl was later found in a pool of blood with her legs and one hand severed. She was rushed to a hospital in Izzatnagar later in the night where the doctors performed surgery. Dr O.P. Bhaskar of the hospital, meanwhile, said that the condition of the girl is critical and efforts are being made to save her life.