Lucknow: Police on Thursday found a burnt body of a girl in a vacant plot in Lucknow's Sirpur area behind Murari Lal College. The body was first seen by a local youth who informed the police. However, police have not been able to identify the body till now and has been sent it for post-mortem.
The youth, named Sushil, living in the area saw the girl's body when he had gone for morning walk. Sushil said when he was passing by Murari Lal College, he suddenly saw a body on a vacant plot behind the building. The youth informed the police and the latter reached the spot immediately. The forensic team was also called.
Police asked about the deceased girl from the local people, who said that she was not a resident of this area. Following which, the body was sent for post-mortem. ADCP Abhijeet R Shankar said that efforts were on to identify the body. It is being suspected that the girl was burnt somewhere else and dumped here, he said. The deceased's face was completely burnt and she was clad in a black and blue salwar kameez with a scarf wrapped around her neck, police said. Primarily it seems that her scarf was set on fire, police added. Investigations are being held from all aspects of the case. Further details will be learnt only after getting the post-mortem report, police added.