Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): A former Director General of Police (DGP) officer of the UP Police, Sulkhan Singh, on Friday, was threatened by cyber thugs that his pension would be stopped. Sulkhan Singh said that he could make out the call made by cyber fraudsters and immediately blocked the number. The former cop however confirmed that he is out of danger now.
According to the sources, the miscreant was calling from Jawahar Bhawan and said that the officer's life certificate had not been submitted. Following this, he was asked to provide an OTP to confirm his information; otherwise, the pension would be stopped. At present, the former DGP has made a verbal complaint to the Treasury Department.
Meanwhile, many former police officers, including former IPS OP Tripathi and Arun Gupta, earlier received fake calls related to pensions. According to Cyber Cell in-charge Satish Sahu, such fraud-related cases are being investigated. In the wake of the episode, a question has been arising about how the fraudsters received the former police officer's data.