Deoria: In a tragic incident, five members of a family including two minor girls died while two others were injured after the car they were traveling in collided head on with a truck in Deoria district of Uttar Pradesh on Monday, officials said. An official said that the accident took place near Bahiyari village of Deoria district today morning.
Superintendent of Police Deoria, Dr. Sankalp Sharma said that the family was on way from their residence in Rudrapur to attend the Upnayan Sanskar at Hareram Baba of Marwa in Siwan district of Bihar at the time of the accident. He said that the car collided head-on with the truck coming from Bankata. In the accident, five members of the family died while two others were injured, the SP Deoria said.
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The deceased have been identified as Pramila, Trishula, Geeta, Siddhi and three-year-old Ritu Daman. Two others identified as Anjana and Devesh who were seriously injured in the accident were referred to Maharishi Devraha Baba Medical College for specialised treatment, an official said. While the actual cause of the accident was not immediately known, it is said that the front wheel of the car burst, due to which the accident happened.
SP Dr. Sankalp Sharma said that the truck has been taken into custody. The bodies have been sent for postmortem, he said adding the treatment of the injured is going on under the supervision of the police. Soon after the accident, a joint team of police and civil administration was rushed to the spot to launch a rescue operation.
SDM, Sanjeev Upadhyay, CO Vinay Yadav and other officials from the local administration reached the hospital and inquired about the health of the accident victims. Police reached the accident spot and restored the traffic as the accident caused a major gridlock along the road.