Ghaziabad:An FIR was lodged in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad on Sunday against a religious leader. Pulkit Maharaj, a self-proclaimed ascetic, is heard saying questionable things against a community in a vial video, after which Ghaziabad Police, via a tweet, confirmed that action was being taken in the issue.
Ghaziabad: Religious leader Pulkit Maharaj booked for 'offensive comments' in viral video
An FIR was lodged in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad on Sunday against a religious leader. Pulkit Maharaj, a self-proclaimed ascetic, is heard saying questionable things against a community in a vial video.
"A case has been registered at the Sahibabad Police Station in relation to a video viral on social media. Legal action has been ensured in this case", Nipun Agrawal, SP City Ghaziabad, was heard saying in a video attached to the tweet. Pulkit Maharaj has previously tried passing himself off as the spiritual guru of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He also went to jail after being accused of cheating in the case.
The clip of Pulkit, who is a resident of Shalimar Garden area of Ghaziabad, went viral on social media, following which there were appeals to the police to take cognizance of the issue.