Basti(Uttar Pradesh): Farmers' leader Rakesh Tikait slammed BJP at Kisan Sammelan in Uttar Pradesh's Basti on Sunday. Addressing the Kisan Sammelan at the Shaheed Kisan Mela organised in Munderwa, Tikait alleged that from irrigation to fixing the minimum support price of crops, the government has cheated the farmers. Tikait said that even in the name of free electricity, farmers are being exploited by installing meters.
Rakesh Tikait pointed out that the paddy and sugarcane farmers are upset as neither they got an adequate and timely price for their produce nor their crops are being sold at the right place. He said, "Until the MSP law is made in the interest of the farmers, till then the farmers of the country will remain in distress." Questioning the opposition as well, Rakesh Tikait said that the opposition is also scared and does not talk about the farmers in the House.