Lucknow: The UP Special Task Force (STF) has arrested one Ankit Mishra, who duped several persons on the pretext of arranging jobs in the Army after posing as captain. He was arrested near the PGI crossing late on Wednesday. The STF had received a tip-off on this from Military Intelligence (MI).
Deputy Superintendent of Police, STF, Deepak Kumar Singh said the accused, identified as Ankit Mishra, 40, used to roam outside the Army canteen in the Army uniform."The attire had all the insignia resembling a real Army officer. Mishra has been doing this fraud for three years. He used to demand Rs 10 lakh each from job-seekers. He had recently taken Rs 5 lakh from one Baliram, a resident of Sant Kabir Nagar and Rs 5 lakh from Rahul, a resident of Etah, for getting them appointed as clerks in the Army canteen," the DSP said.