Lucknow:Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said that expressways, including Purvanchal, Ganga, Gorakhpur link and Bundelkhand, will prove to be milestones in state's infrastructure and help in speeding up economic growth.
These expressways will help fast pace economic development which the state had long desired. In the last three years, the administration has performed proactively to create a favourable environment for investment and many effective steps have also been taken in this regard, the chief minister said at a function.
It was organised at his official residence for handing over a loan cheque of Rs 750 crore by Punjab National Bank for the Gorakhpur link expressway.
Speaking on this occasion, he said that today the world is competing over investments and connectivity, and security have an important place in this competition.
He said that PNB has played a strong role as the lead bank in Purvanchal Expressway. Today, it is also connecting with Gorakhpur link expressway.
The chief minister said that there are immense possibilities in Gorakhpur.