Gonda (Uttar Pradesh): In a startling turn of events, the police have uncovered a deceitful scheme orchestrated by a husband and wife embroiled in a property dispute, leading to the false accusation of murder against family members. Finally, the couple was arrested by police.
The incident, unfolding in the rural region of Baisia Chain village within the Kotwali area of Gonda, revealed a plot concocted by Gudiya and her husband, Ramkaran, amid their ongoing dispute over property matters. Superintendent of Police Vineet Jaiswal disclosed the complex sequence of events that transpired.
Several days ago, Gudiya filed a complaint in court, alleging her father-in-law, Nanke, and three brothers-in-law, Arjun, Shyam, and Agnaram, of killing her husband, Ramkaran, and disposing of his body. Acting on the court's directive, the police promptly arrested the accused individuals on June 5, subsequently incarcerating them. Intensive search operations were initiated by the police to locate body of presumably deceased Ramkaran.