Gorakhpur: Three persons, including a child, died after being trampled by an elephant, who went berserk in the crowded Mohammadpur Mafi village in Gorakhpur on Thursday. The incident occurred after an elephant was brought to participate in the rituals of the kalash yatra ceremony in the Jagatbela area here.
The cermony saw a huge footfall. While many people gathered near the elephant, some of them also started taking selfies with it. The loud noise of the ceremonies irritated the animal. Apparently baffled by the commotion, the elephant broke loose and started running on the streets, towards the fields.
Some people went ahead to stop the animal from creating havoc. In an attempt in doing so, a woman with her grandchild and a man fell on the ground and were trampled upon by the elephant. While the three succumbed to their injuries, many others were injured in the incident. Villagers said the elephant also caused heavy damage to crops in several fields.