Sultanpur (Uttar Pradesh):Two goods trains derailed after a head-on collision leaving both the Engine Loco Pilots injured, near the Gabhadiya over-bridge near Sultanpur railway station early on Thursday morning. Eight coaches derailed while the collision completely damaged the railway track.
The rail traffic along the Lucknow-Varanasi route has been disrupted due to the mishap. Sub-Divisional Magistrate CP Pathak reached the spot and conducted spot inquiries. Talking to the media here, Pathak said, "two goods trains came on one track from opposite directions and collided head-on."
These coaches have derailed. The work to clear the track will begin shortly after the crane arrives. Pilots of both trains have been taken to a hospital for treatment. Officers of the Railway departments including Engineering, Operations, and Signal have come here and are working to clear the tracks," he said.