Sonbhadra (Uttar Pradesh): Before the settling of the Sidhi urination controversy in Madhya Pradesh, a similar incident was reported in Uttar Pradesh's Sonbhadra district. The incident happened on July 11. But, it was reported to the police when a video of the incident went viral. The complainant under the influence of alcohol was unaware of the incident. When he saw the viral video on social media the next morning he realised what was done to him. The victim then went to the police station to lodge a complaint.
The police said that accused Jawahir Patel was known to Gulab Kol and the duo consumed alcohol on July 11. After consuming the liquor, a quarrel started over a petty issue between them. "In a fit of rage, Jawahir Patel urinated in the ear of the victim Gulab Kol. The victim did not know that day about the incident as he was in an inebriated condition. When the video went viral on Thursday, he came to know," said a police officer.