Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh):A brutal incident has come to the fore from Faridpur police station area in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. Two men in an inebriated state cut off the ears and tails of two puppies and allegedly chewed the parts as they had been looking for something to eat with liquor. The police have registered a case based on the complaint filed by People for Animals (PFA) rescue in-charge Dheeraj Pathak.
Dheeraj Phatak alleged that Mukesh Valmiki, a resident of Faridpur, along with a friend, crossed all the limits of cruelty when they chopped off the ears and tail of puppies and ate it as 'Chakna'. Pathak said that he reached the spot as soon as he received information about the incident after which he went to the police station and demanded strict action by lodging a complaint in writing.