Jhansi: BJP candidate from Jhansi Anurag Sharma on Saturday said that one does not want a situation like Andhra Pradesh and Telangana during the creation of Bundelkhand state. When asked about his views on the separate state as a candidate of the BJP, managing director of Baidyanath said, "We will have to work towards it but it is an uphill task. I realise that because we have to take parts from two states and assemble them into one whole state." He is heading the 'Bundelkhand Ekikaran Samiti' for the creation of separate Bundelkhand state.
Underlining that smaller states are more effective, Sharma said he would sensitise the government as to how it can be turned into a 'successful state'.
"You do not want to have a state like Andhra and Telangana where they have this huge fight. The BJP has always done this in a very systematic in a thoughtful manner. The Congress made a hash of it. We have to make sure it is a viable state," he said.
Asked about the different approaches of the BJP which is projecting Sharma as a development-oriented person, while giving ticket to Pragya Thakur, a controversial figure, from Bhopal, Sharma limited his comment to his candidature, saying the party was looking for a person who has worked with the farmers and has a clean image. He also mentioned that Bundelkhand was never been divided either on communal or social lines but the 'Mahagathbandhan' was trying to seprate the society on caste lines which was "unfortunate".