Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said all action is being taken at the district-level related to the vaccination process for COVID-19 with instructions given for cold chain management and transportation of vaccines.
"All action is being taken at the district-level in connection with the vaccination for COVID-19 and all districts have been given necessary instructions regarding effective cold chain management and transportation of vaccines," an official release stated quoting the CM, who presided over a review meeting at Lok Bhawan.
The process of training vaccinators is in progress in the state and the CM will review the entire process on Saturday, Additional Chief Secretary, Information, Navneet Sehgal said.
CM Adityanath said it was necessary to maintain full vigilance against COVID-19 and even a little carelessness can prove to be harmful. He emphasised on the need to maintain social distancing and compulsorily use face masks.