Fatehpur: In a shocking act of maiming, a devotee chopped off his tongue and offered it to the presiding deity near Fatehpur's Gugauli village in Uttar Pradesh. The incident occurred at the Shiv Bhawani Mata temple. The 65-year-old man was drenched in blood, writhing in pain after the act. Although the reason is not clear, it is being speculated to be a sacrifice made to the Goddess on fulfillment of some wish. The elderly man was admitted to the hospital and is currently undergoing treatment.
The devotee, identified as Baburam Paswan is a resident of Gugauli village under the jurisdiction of Kalyanpur police station in Fatehpur district, served as a priest in the same temple for a long time. Baburam came to the temple like several other devotees who gathered here on the seventh day of Navratri to worship the Goddess. While offering puja along with others, he suddenly cut off his tongue with a blade leaving him bleeding profusely. A huge commotion was created in the temple premises and many people started gathering as news spread. After getting information, police reached the spot and took the bleeding man to the hospital. Kalyanpur police station in-charge Neeraj Yadav said the devotee is being treated in the hospital and was learnt to be stable. Local people said that Baburam was the priest of Shiv Bhavani Mata temple for a long time. It is being speculated that on the completion of some wish, the man offered his tongue to the Goddess.