Bahraich (Uttar Pradesh):A 10-year-old boy lost his arm after being mauled by a crocodile in Uttar Pradesh's Bahraich. The incident took place on Wednesday in the Katarniaghat Wildlife Division area. During the terrifying attack, the crocodile bit the boy's arm while trying to push him into the ravine. Upon hearing the cries of the boy, family members along with other villagers came to rescue the child. The boy was taken to the Community Health Centre for treatment but the condition of the child is said to be critical.
According to official sources, Anil, a resident of Majra, went near the ravine behind his house to pee where he was attacked by a crocodile. Anil was rescued by his relatives and other villagers who came running upon hearing his cries. The boy was immediately taken to the Community Health Centre but he was referred to the district hospital where his condition remains critical.