Lucknow:A court here on Wednesday rejected the anticipatory bail plea of Samajwadi party spokesperson Anurag Bhadouria in a case registered against him for allegedly making derogatory comments against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. In his order, District Court Judge S S Pandey said that it was not stated in the application, submitted on the behalf of Bhadouria, that his similar petition has been rejected by the Allahabad High Court.
Court rejects anticipatory bail plea of SP spokesperson Anurag Bhadouria
A court here on Wednesday rejected the anticipatory bail plea of Samajwadi party spokesperson Anurag Bhadouria in a case registered against him for allegedly making derogatory comments against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Earlier, the High Court had dismissed his petition challenging the FIR registered against the SP leader but had stated that Bhadouria could approach the lower court concerned for obtaining anticipatory bail in the case. An FIR was registered by the Hazratganj Police on November 12, 2022, against Bhadouria for making insulting comments against the chief minister and late Mahant Awaidyanath during a TV news debate.
The FIR was lodged on the complaint of Uttar Pradesh BJP spokesperson Hero Bajpai. Mahant Avaidyanath was the Mahant of Gorakhnath Math. Adityanath had succeeded him as the head priest of the Math. The complainant had alleged that Bhaduria's remarks have hurt the sentiments of Hindus and those who have faith in the Math. (PTI)