Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh): The cops have taken action against Javed Ahmed Khan, the mastermind of the June 3 violence, under the National Security Act (NSA) after the District Magistrate's recommendation. Javed Ahmed Khan is said to be the most educated among the three accused, who carried out violence in the Nai Sadak area of the city. A crowd led by Hayat Zafar Hashmi had called for market closure in the Nai Sadak area in protest against Nupur Sharma's remarks against the Prophet. This crowd indulged in stone-pelting and firing. Seven people were injured during the violence.
The former President, Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, were in Kanpur to participate in a programme. Officials say that during the investigation, it was revealed that the protest was staged on June 3 deliberately so that in the presence of VVIPs, the matter would get maximum media attention.