Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh): A shocking incident took place in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. A man entered the police post here and started firing at the constable on duty. However, the bullet passed the soldier's back leaving him injured. The accused were arrested by police on Saturday The miscreants have been identified as Yashpal and Vikas.
The incident took place at around 7:30 pm on Friday when two bike-borne miscreants reached the Naktiya police post on National Highway 24 of the Cantt police station area. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Akhilesh Chaurasia said, "One miscreant entered the police post while the other waited for him on his bike. He inquired about a Sub-Inspector to constable Vishal Sharma. When Vishal asked him to leave the police post as he was drunk, he opened fire at him."