Jaunpur:CM Yogi, while on a one-day visit to Jaunpur on Friday, faced protest from an SP student leader at a medical college here for taking undue credits for the development of the college. While the CM was leaving the medical college, Samajwadi Party's student leader Ashish Mulayam showed black flags to CM Yogi's fleet, clarifying the reason for the protest. He said, "We are protesting because this medical college was proposed during the tenure of the Samajwadi Party but this government (BJP) is trying to take the credits for it."
CM Yogi reached Jaunpur on a one-day visit on Friday. He inspected the medical college and a sewer treatment plant under development here. Along with this, he also inaugurated and laid the foundation stones of projects worth Rs. 257 crores in the district. Apart from inspecting the development works, he also held a review meeting with the officials.