Hamirpur (Uttar Pradesh): An 11-year-old boy lost his life while attempting to emulate a move he had seen on ‘reels’ on social media. The class five student of a local school in Uttar Pradesh's Hamirpur area accidentally hung himself in his house on Thursday, in an attempt to mimic an act he had seen on videos online. The family lives in Rabindranath Tagore Nagar in the district.
According to his father, the boy returned from school on Thursday afternoon and was engrossed in watching reels on his mobile phone.
Captivated by these full-screen vertical videos, the young lad attempted to mimic the life-saving technique he had seen, using a makeshift noose made from his mother's scarf, leading to his accidental death.
The boy was rushed to the local hospital where duty doctor, Dr Tarun Pal, declared him dead after a thorough examination.
The family, however, did not inform the police about the loss of the child. The police learnt about the incident through social media and counselled the parents who were averse to an autopsy.