Shahjahanpur (UP): A special investigation team on Wednesday took the student who has accused BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand of raping, and "physically exploiting" her for a year, to a hospital for medical examination.
She was taken to the local medical college hospital under heavy security, and Chief Medical Officer Dr Anita Dhasmana said the woman was being examined by a panel of doctors.
Meanwhile, terming the whole episode a conspiracy against him, Chinmayanand expressed full faith in the SIT probe."I have full faith in the SIT team and everything will be clear once it is completed. This is a conspiracy against me," Chinmayanand said.
The father of the woman had claimed that during the search at the hostel room of her daughter on Tuesday, some objectionable material was found, which was "planted" by vested interests before the room was sealed by the local police.
Members of the SIT, accompanied by forensic experts, had on Tuesday inspected the hostel room of the complainant for nearly eight hours and collected evidence.
The woman had told media persons on Monday that the Shahjahanpur police was reluctant to register a case of rape against the 72-year-old BJP leader.
The woman had appeared before the press, alleging that Chinmayanand had "raped" and "physically exploited" her for a year and had further revealed that she had all the proofs against the BJP minister.