Lucknow: A court in Uttar Pradesh has extended the police remand of 26-year-old Chinese national, named Wang Xuanju, for allegedly spying, for another four days. Police will take Wang to Lucknow for further questioning. Wang had earlier told police that he visited many places in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh and clicked photographs of buildings and installations.
Wang was arrested at Indo-Nepal's Gauriphanta border at Lakhimpur Kheri on February 19, after which he was produced before the court, which had remanded him in police custody for five days. On Friday, his remand ended but the court extended by another four days. Following this, Wang's police remand will be for a total of four days.
The Chinese national had come to India without possessing any visa or passport or any other valid documents. Police had arrested him on charges of spying. In the initial phase of investigation, Wang was taken to Delhi for two days. Police collected the CCTV footage of Wang's travel as evidence. His mobile phone and camera were sent to the forensic lab to get more details.