Mathura:In a remarkable turn of events, the Government Railway Police (GRP) successfully recovered a two-year-old girl who was abducted from Mathura Junction a staggering 10 months ago. The child was found begging under a tree near Bhuteshwar railway station, sparking hope in the hearts of her distraught family. Alongside this heart-warming rescue, the authorities apprehended five individuals connected to the heinous crime of child abduction and trafficking.
The harrowing incident unfolded on the chilly night of January 7, 2023, when a mother was resting at Mathura Junction with her precious two-year-old child. At the stroke of midnight, a sinister criminal stealthily kidnapped the little girl. The terrified mother immediately reported the abduction, leading to the registration of a case against an unidentified perpetrator at the GRP police station.
Launching an extensive and unrelenting investigation, the police officers meticulously combed through the surveillance footage captured by the station's CCTV cameras. However, despite their tenacious efforts, the child remained missing, casting a shadow of despair over her family.