Kushinagar: Elderly Prem Sagar Ojha Bhandari was busy in the arrangements to serve the desi pudding 'kheer' to feast on the occasion of Chhath Puja in Gram Sabha Rampur in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday. Little did he know that he will have to lose his little granddaughter to the pudding. In a tragic incident, the five-year-old girl died after she fell into a large vessel of hot kheer in the village.
Locals said that a grand celebration was going on on the culmination of Chhath Puja at the house of Ashok Yadav, son of Nathu Yadav, resident of Gram Sabha Rampur Bagaha Ojha Tola of the police station area. To celebrate the festival, relatives were invited for food on Tuesday. An official said that one Prem Sagar Ojha Bhandari of the village who prepared the food was standing near the kheer vessel preparing the sweet dish.
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