New Delhi: The National Commission of Women (NCW) on Tuesday asked the Uttar Pradesh Police to ensure a swift, fair, and thorough probe into the death of a 20-year-old woman in a road accident in Bulandshahr district.
The commission took cognisance of the issue immediately after it came across several twitter posts regarding the death of the 20-year-old woman from Western Uttar Pradesh who topped in her class 12 board exams in 2018 and then went on to receive a full-time scholarship at a prestigious university in the United States.
NCW chairperson Rekha Sharma wrote to Uttar Pradesh DGP HC Awasthy and asked him to ensure a swift, fair, and thorough investigation in the matter.
"Considering the gravity of the matter, it is requested that CCTV footage may be checked and also ensure swift, a fair and thorough investigation be done in the matter," the commission said.