Lucknow: Bahujan Samaj Party will not contest the Zilla panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh this year, said party Chief Mayawati on Monday. Addressing media, Mayawati alleged that the reason behind not contesting the election is horse-trading and misuse of state machinery done by the BJP-led government in Uttar Pradesh.
"We have decided not to contest Zilla panchayat elections in UP. I want to clarify if the elections would have been impartial, then we would have contested. In UP, winning the Zilla panchayat election depends on buying and selling and misuse of the government machinery. In this matter, BJP is also using the tactics Samajwadi Party used during its government. It was the reason when in 1995 we have to part ways with the Samajwadi party's government. Now BJP doing the same leading to weakening the roots of democracy," said the BSP Chief.
She further said that leaders and workers of the party have been instructed that instead of investing their time and energy in this Zilla panchayat election, they should invest in strengthening the organization and increasing its voter base in the state.