Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): In a bizarre incident, a newlywed couple on Sunday invited the BJP MLC Rishi Pal Singh to their post-wedding feast in Aligarh and publicly demanded repair of a road, which has been in a dilapidated condition for the last six years. Bharat Pehalwan, son of Chandrabhan Singh from Ghanghauli village, tied the knot with Radha, a resident of Pani village in Vrindavan, on December 10. On December 17, a feast was organised to celebrate the event.
The people of Ghanghauli village accorded the BJP MLC a warm welcome when he finally arrived at the post-wedding feast. After giving blessings to the couple, Radha, the bride, surprised everyone by making a unique request. She insisted on repairing the bad road in Ghanghauli village, which has been neglected for six long years.