Lucknow:A team of Uttar Pradesh's Special Task Force on Wednesday arrested two people for a social media post which threatened to bomb Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, STF Chief Amitabh Yash and blow up Ayodhya's Ram Temple. Police said that the mastermind behind this, identified as Devendra Tiwari, the National President of Bhartiya Kisan Manch and a member of Bharatiya Gau Seva Parishad, is still on the run.
Police said that Tahar Singh and Omprakash Mishra were arrested by a team of Uttar Pradesh's STF from Vibhuti Khan area of Gomti Nagar in Lucknow. Preliminary investigation revealed that the arrested accused, both residents of Gonda, were personal secretaries of Devendra Tiwari. And on Tiwari's directions, they sent the threat email.
SSP STF Vishal Vikram Singh said, "On December 27, Devendra Tiwari registered a complaint stating he received an email threatening to bomb him including the Chief Minister and the STF Chief and blow up Ayodhya's Ram Temple. Following this complaint, we started an investigation. Two people were arrested on Wednesday in connection with the emails."