Kanpur: The body of a researcher of IIT Kanpur, Dr Pallavi Chilka, 35, was found hanging by the fan in her room on Tuesday. The body was found hanging in a suspicious condition at the hostel. As per reports, the cleaning staff knocked on her room door and upon receiving no response, the staff glanced inside the room window to discover her body hanging. The Klayanpur police were summoned after the discovery by the IIT authorities.
According to the police, Dr. Pallav Chilkai, a resident of Cuttack in Odisha was a research staff member. She was pursuing her postdoctoral research from the Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering at IIT Kanpur. Dr. Pallavi joined IIT Kanpur in August 2023 and resided at the hostel.
The cleaner arrived on Tuesday morning to clean Dr. Pallavi's room. The police claimed the room was locked from the inside. After knocking on the door for a long period, one member of the police team peeped inside and was shocked to discover Dr Pallavi's body hanging. The sweeper immediately informed the IIT administration about this.