Meerut: In a shocking incident on Monday, a family, whose 84-year-old member had died due to Covid, stopped the cremation when one of the members lifted the shroud for a last glimpse of the deceased, after the body was placed on the pyre.
According to reports, the family was about to cremate the body of another man, who was in his 50s, when they realised that they had got the wrong body.
By the time the Meerut family contacted the family whose body they had, it was too late. They were returning home after doing the cremation and were carrying the ashes in an urn and had no inkling that their kin's body was still lying with another family.
When the elderly man's family contacted the LLRM Medical College on the issue, they were 'scolded' by the authorities for unpacking the body of a Covid-19 patient.
The nephew of the octogenarian told reporters, "We removed the shroud because some family members insisted on seeing him one last time. To our shock, the body was not of our uncle. It was someone else. When we contacted the LLRM Medical College, instead of accepting their fault, the officials started shouting at us for unpacking the body."
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