Lucknow: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have started to fulfil the promises made in the party's Lok Kalyan Sankalp Patra before the formation of a new government in the state for which a department-wise meeting will be held to take the promises included in the manifesto on the ground, informed a senior government official.
According to the sources, the people of the state may get free gas cylinders on Holi under the Ujjwala scheme, a decision that will be taken soon after the formal meeting. On the occasion of the Holi festival, giving free gas cylinders to the people of the state was promised prominently in the BJP's resolution letter thus preparations have been made to fulfil the promise on March 17-18 with an estimate of Rs. 1000 crores to one crore beneficiaries of the Ujjawala scheme.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Durgashankar Mishra has become active to fulfil the election promises included in the BJP manifesto.