Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): The Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed by the Uttar Pradesh government to probe the Bikru village encounter will not be able to submit its investigation report on Saturday. The team might take some more time up to September 30 to submit its report, sources said.
Reportedly, due to the COVID-19 crisis and festivals like Raksha Bandhan, statements of several policemen have not been recorded yet. A member of SIT, Additional Director General of Police (ADG) HR Sharma has tested positive for COVID-19. Hence, SIT will take some time in preparing their report, they added.
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Meanwhile, the Uttar Pradesh Police may interrogate slain gangster Vikas Dubey's sons with regard to the Bikru encounter that took place last month, Kanpur Rural SP Brijesh Srivastava had said on Thursday.