Bijnor:Uttar Pradesh police rescued a man who was tied and locked down at his residence by his wife, in the Bijnor district, on Tuesday. According to official sources, the woman who practices Ayurveda medicine was not at home when the police arrived to rescue the man.
The incident came to light after the victim managed to reach out for help from his balcony. Sources said that the man was married to the doctor who is a BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery) degree holder. She runs a private clinic in the city, police said.
Earlier this week, the woman had allegedly tied his hands and legs and locked him up in a room. The husband was not given food or water for the entire day. On Tuesday, when she left for clinic, the husband somehow reached the balcony and cried for help. A crowd gathered there alerted the cops, a police official said quoting the neigbhours.
Sources said the police responded to the distress call and found the husband lying down with hands tied and legs tied. The rescued man also complained that after tying his hands and legs, his wife also beat him up. A video of this incident is also doing rounds on the internet which shows the husband lying down in his balcony from where he was rescued.