Lucknow: In a major operation, the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) on Sunday raided several hideouts of people associated with banned Popular Front of India (PFI) across Lucknow. Three persons were detained by the ATS, suspecting them to be PFI members, agency sources said.
During the raid, a youth working at a photocopy shop was detained from Vikas Nagar while two others were detained from Achramau village of BKT. The entire operation of the ATS was recorded by a CCTV camera installed in the photocopy shop.
The ATS has been conducting raids at Achramau village for several days. The two who were detained from Achramau village, have been identified as Mohammad Farhan and Zafar. However, the village head Arshad escaped during the raids. Currently, interrogation of the three detained suspects are underway by the ATS officials. Earlier, in January and December 2022, ATS had detained three other persons suspecting them to be PFI members.