Agra: Rashtriya Bajrang Dal and Antarashtriya Hindu Parishad protested and hanged an effigy of Valentine's Day at Raja Mandi square. During this, activists of the organizations warned that on Valentine's Day, if any couple is caught during a raid in the park or in the hotel, they will be married according to Hindu customs.
Rashtriya Bajrang Dal, Antarashtriya Hindu Parishad protests against Valentine's Day in Agra
Rashtriya Bajrang Dal and Antarashtriya Hindu Parishad opposed Valentine's Day. The activists of the Hindu organization hung an effigy of Valentine's Day at the crossroads in Agra.
They further said that Valentine's Day is not a festival of our Hindu culture thus we oppose it. Rashtriya Bajrang Dal's department president Avtar Singh Gill has announced that if anyone opposes the decision, then they will be carried around on a donkey.
Gill said that Valentine was a foreigner, who was a bachelor. The king of that country used to tell his army that when Valentine fought a war, he did not worry about anything thus advised everyone to remain a bachelor. Consequently, he ended the civilization in his country and started celebrating a festival.