Amroha (Uttar Pradesh): A court in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday could not decide the date of the execution of Shabnam, the woman who was convicted of murdering her family members in the sensational Amroha murder case, as it was learnt that she has filed a mercy plea before the Governor of Uttar Pradesh.
Government Advocate in the Amroha District Court, Mahavir Singh, told ETV Bharat that the Rampur Jail administration informed that Shabnam has sent a second mercy plea to the Governor, who will forward it to the President of India.
Only following the decision on the second mercy petition, will the court be able to take a decision on the date of execution.
Earlier on April 15, 2008, Shabnam and her lover Saleem had wiped out the former's entire family in Amroha district in Uttar Pradesh. The duo was having an affair and wanted to get married. However, the woman's family was opposed to their marriage.