Lucknow: The Allahabad High Court will on Wednesday hear an appeal filed by the Uttar Pradesh government as well as the revision plea moved by the complainant against the acquittal of Union minister Ajay Kumar Mishra alias Teni in the Prabhat Gupta murder case. A division bench of Justice Ramesh Sinha and Justice Renu Agarwal had on November 9 completed the hearing and reserved the verdict.
Allahabad HC to hear UP govt plea against Teni's acquittal in Prabhat Gupta murder case
The case pertains to the murder of 24-year-old Gupta in Lakhimpur Kheri in 2000. Union minister Mishra was charge-sheeted along with others. However, during the trial, the sessions court did not find adequate evidence against him and acquitted him in 2004.
Allahabad HC to hear UP govt plea against Ajay Kumar Mishra alias Teni's acquittal in Prabhat Gupta murder case
The case pertains to the murder of 24-year-old Gupta in Lakhimpur Kheri in 2000. Union minister Mishra was charge sheeted along with other accused but during the trial the sessions court did not find adequate evidence against him and acquitted him in 2004. Aggrieved by the trial court order, the state government moved an appeal in 2004 challenging it. Complainant Rajeev Gupta also challenged the trial court's order by filing a revision petition. (PTI)