Lucknow: An National Investigation Agency special court has remanded Tauheed Ahmed Shah, an alleged Al Qaeda operative from Jammu and Kashmir who was arrested earlier this week to a six-day remand in connection with alleged conspiracy to carry out attacks in Uttar Pradesh. The accused was arrested by the NIA on February 7 for alleged conspiracy to carry out attacks in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow. The case was initially registered by the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad on July 11, 2021, against persons who had "entered into a conspiracy to recruit members for an al-Qaeda affiliate named Ansaar Gajwatul Hind (AGH) and to commit terrorist acts in Lucknow."
The NIA which later took over the probe said that Tauheed was the mastermind behind the plot and that he was recruited to commit terrorist acts for AGH, which included procurement of arms, ammunition and explosive materials.
Earlier, the NIA arrested five more accused, Museeruddin, Minhaj Ahmad, Shakeel, Mustaqeem and Mohammad Moid- all from Lucknow- in the same case and filed a charge sheet against them on January 5. Special NIA Judge Mohammad Ghazali, on Tuesday, granted remand of the alleged Al Qaeda operative to the investigators effective from 9 am of February 15 to 5 pm on February 21. The court also summoned Tauheed Ahmed Shah from jail through video conferencing for the hearing saying in its order that the accused "will not be physically or mentally tortured.