Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh): Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Monday said that the Uttar Pradesh government should immediately investigate who was involved in alleged physical abuse of minor girls at a government-run shelter home in Kanpur after a few of them were found to be pregnant.
The former chief minister said that outrage has spread in the state after this news. The girls who are COVID-19 positive should be treated immediately.
READ:|Kanpur: 57 girls at children's shelter home test COVID-19 positive, 5 of them pregnant
"Outrage has spread in Uttar Pradesh due to the news from the Government Child Protection Home in Kanpur. There has been serious disclosure of some minor girls are pregnant. Of these, 57 have been found to be suffering from corona and one from AIDS, they should be treated immediately. The government should immediately take up the investigation against those who were involved in physical abuse," Yadav tweeted (translated from Hindi).