Ambedkar Nagar: Ahead of the expected verdict in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title suit by the Supreme Court (SC), the Uttar Pradesh government on Thursday has sought to set up eight temporary jails in different colleges in the Ambedkar Nagar district of the state.
The District School Inspector, Ambedkar Nagar, through a letter, directed the heads of three colleges in Akbarpur, and one each in Tanda, Jalalpur, Jaitpur, Bhiti and Alapur to provide the buildings and other amenities to the police station heads.
The letter, written on Wednesday, mentions that this is being done in response to the letter written by the Superintendent of Police (SP), Ambedkar Nagar in which the names of the shortlisted institutions have mentioned, in which the temporary jails will be established.
Earlier on November 5, top RSS functionaries along with BJP leaders reached out to Muslim clerics at the residence of Union Minister of Minority Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi to give a clarion call to maintain peace and harmony after the verdict by the Apex Court.