Agra (Uttar Pradesh): The Agra police in a joint-operation with Jaipur police arrested four shooters, all members of the Lawrence Bishnoi Gang, on charges of opening fire at Jaipur’s G Club hotel after the hotel owner refused to pay protection money of Rs 1 crore on the night of January 28.
Police identified the arrested suspects as Jaiprakash alias JP, a resident of Bikaner, Pradeep Shukla alias Baba Shukla, a resident of Agra, Rishabh alias Yashchandra of Bikaner, and Bhupendra Gurjar alias Thapa, a resident of Bah. The Agra Police along with the SWAT team busted the hideout of the suspects and arrested all four accused.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Eastern Zone, Somendra Meena said, "the accused demanded Rs 1 crore from Akshay Gurnani, the owner of hotel 'G Club' and 'Days' located in Jaipur on January 28 but Akshay refused. At around 11.50pm, when Akshay was on his way to his hotel from Radisson Blu, the accused opened fire at him. However, Akshay escaped unhurt. A case was filed at the Jawahar Circle Police Station in Jaipur."