New Delhi: After the National Commission for Women (NCW) took cognizance of the incident wherein a woman was allegedly disrobed by men while she was filing nominations for local polls in Lakhimpur Kheri district, Uttar Pradesh Police arrested two persons and suspended six police personnel. NCW had written a letter in this regard to Uttar Pradesh DGP Mukul Goel on Thursday demanding his intervention and strict action against the offenders. "The National Commission for Women (NCW) on July 8 had taken suo motu cognizance of an incident wherein a woman was allegedly attacked and misbehaved with and her saree was pulled in Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh. The Commission took action after it was tagged on Twitter on a video clip of two men pulling a woman by her sari during the nomination for the block chairman polls," reads the NCW statement.
"Chairperson Rekha Sharma had written to the Director-General of Police, Uttar Pradesh to immediately intervene in the matter and take strict action against the men. After theCommission's letter to the DGP, the two men were arrested and six cops were suspended," it further says. The incident took place on Thursday when a woman candidate was allegedly assaulted by some people while she was filing for nomination for block president election in Pasgawan in Lakhimpur Kheri district. "Cases have been registered under Section 147,171(F),354,392,427 in connection with the incident of misbehaving with a woman candidate during filing nomination for Kshetra Panchayat President in Pasgawan block. Legal action is being taken against the arrested accused Yash Verma, a resident of village Maksudpur. Efforts are being made to arrest the other accused. Four police teams have been formed under the leadership of the Additional Superintendent of Police," Kheri Police had said on Friday.